Wednesday, September 24, 2008

break in the poker for Opeth

My buddy since the 7th grade, Larry, scored some free tickets to see Opeth last night. I'm a metal fan, but growling Death Metal is usually too much for me. However, Larry (and another friend) have been telling me for several years that Opeth is the one black metal band that I need to dig deeper into.

Larry was right - this Swedish band is something special. Yes, their songs have many black Death Metal elements to them, but they also feature acoustic passages, jazz elements, classic rock-type hooks, and traditional singing mixed in with the growling. This band simply cannot be compartmentalized.

After the show, I left the 700 seat House of Blues auditorium a bit dazed, feeling somewhat like I had been intellectually pummeled. I was witness to something very dark and complex. I did not sleep well.

Opeth has a new fan.

1 comment:

bastinptc said...

As odd as it may seem, for the little bit of Death metal that I've heard, it taps deep into my soul or psyche, or both. A band that includes jazz riffs? I'm there.

Writing down the name as an online order of books and music is overdue.